Despite being on one of the two covers for the June/July issue of Paris Vogue, Noémie Lenoir has only one photo on the inside of the magazine. She's featured alongside Laetitia Casta in a spread called "French Touch" which was shot by Mario Testino but Lenoir gets only one photo compared to Casta's five and even that one is just a mirror image of one of Casta's shots. I don't really get it but here it is (thanks to Diorette for the scans.) There's another editorial in the magazine with a photo of Jourdan Dunn but if I were you, I'd save up my pennies for July's Italian Vogue instead.
Wow! Only one photo? I thought that since she was on the cover(that I now know she shared with Laeticia(BTW, what is UP with Black models having to "share" their covers? Naomi, Tyra, Noemie, and there was someone else, I think it was a Seventeen cover--was it the winner of ANTM?), she would get at least an entire spread to herself, but I guess not. Foolish me.
wow that's lame.
this is a scandal! i thought cos she was on the cover that she would have a full editorial. what the f---? i was going to be French Vogue but now I won't.
I shocked that she did not get an editorial too. I wonder why it went down all thought I am happy that she got the cover.
I'm not surprised one bit.
The only day when you'll see a women with African origin in her blood on a front cover and then her own spread inside, is if the magazine it's self is black owned.
Sad:( but true
oh my godness, i'm thankful i didnt buy this!! i came sooo close, every time id see the two versions id swap them over and put Noemie's in front of the rest. She only got 1 spread? if this isnt racism then what is it? what, Noemie's shots werent as good? Testino is an amazin photographer so its not even a plausible excuse. im disgusted. italian vogue everyone!! im in france but cant find it anywhere!! shudnt the fnac have it? help..
The black model issue of Italian Vogue should be in stores in another week or two, I guess.
Actually,Brigitte there is a makeup spread inside of this issue feautring models Gaye McDonald and Jourdan(I don't think its j.Dunn) which covered the diffculties of WOC finding makeup to match their skin tones.
Yeah, I saw those two photos as well but didn't post them b/c I was more concerned with the cover. Gaye is working a bit, though I tend to see her more in Europe than here.
Brigitte I've noticed Gaye works more in Europe too. Have you picked on how a lot of agencies are pushing their black models the commercial route like Quianna Quant, the black Brazilian VS model and the other Jourdan. Although, nothings wrong with commercial since that seems to be what pays the bills these days.
I think Dutch Vogue recently did a layout with black models and some very vibrant colored clothes.
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