Okay so this morning I talked to a guy at a magazine distributor in my area who assured me that the July issue of Italian Vogue wouldn't be in stores of for another week so there was no reason for me to make a special trip yadayadayada...he lied.
The first pics from the highly anticipated "black" issue have hit the internets so here is a peek. I've decided to withold judgement until I've seen the entire issue for myself. The usual suspects (namely Naomi, Jourdan, Tyra and Liya) are present but so far there is no sign of the rumored shot of everyone's favorite plus sized cheesecake model Tocarra of ANTM fame.
In response to Steven Meisel's challenge, American Vogue has run an article and editorial called "Is Fashion Racist?" in this month's issue (exceedingly plastic Nicole Kidman on the cover.)
The editorial features "white" hot Jourdan Dunn again with Chanel Iman. The answer to this question of course is yes. Everybody knows it and I hate that Anna Wintour always feels the need to explain why she is using black models instead of just, you know, using them in normal everyday unimaginative spreads that US Vogue is known for. I'm still mad about her editorial apology the year the Kiara Kabukuru was on the July cover several years back.

Will this change anything? The pessimist in me says no but we'll have to wait and see if fashion editors willingness to feature black models and models of other non-white ethnicities (in the lowest selling month for magazines across the board) will carry over.
Stay tuned.
Photo source: fashinfags, NYT, and Luxx @ TFS.
Interesting topic, yes its good that it's happening but then u also raise the point of people (i.e Anna Wintour) explaining why rather than just using non-white models. Gosh I don't even know if thats the correct term! I remember the first cover of Vogue India, lots of gorgeous Indian models and Gemma Ward in the middle...what was that about?!
I can't stand Anna Wintour.
I <3 Liya! I think she's one of the most beautiful women in the world. And she's totally classy too. I was tempted to start a Black Models Blog but am already overwhelmed with Asian Models Blog.
I saw Alek Wek at Bryant Park a couple of times and she is absolutely stunning. I remember Kiara was huge 5 years ago but hasn't done much since she got the Maybelline (?) contract.
But I absolutely HATE Naomi. She is a psychopath and needs to be locked for for a couple of months.
Your Asian Models blog is really very nice. I visit it often :)
This is a very weird photo of the two of them.
Neither Barnes & Noble nor Borders is carrying this issue!! Will our only choice be the dreaded eBay for triple the cost??
Wintour's EDITORIAL APOLOGY?!? I'm appalled.
Anna Wintour's can take that apology and shove it. actions speak louder than words and if she really, an i mean really gave a damn then she would get more women of color in the mag than sticking them once every 4 years.
The real big thing I dont get is how everyone keeps on saying Blacks dont sell the mag etc etc. I mean SERIOUSLY does somebody a have honest chart on the sales of thes mags with blacks on their covers/inside? Also the last time i heard, GLAMOUR mag had a cover of Gwenyth Paltrow on the front that sold very poorly (even poorly than the issue that had Lebron an a model on front).
But overall I really hope we get more diversity in this fashion industry b/c lord knows im tired of seeing the same stale bleach blonde moddles. Its would be refreashing to see something else.
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