So Will and Jada will be on the cover of the December issue of
Essence Magazine. He's the biggest movie star in the world and she is his lovely and incredibly
stylish actress wife. What's not to love, right?
I think they're a great couple too and I love seeing them walking hand in hand on the red carpet but c'mon, Essence! Is this the best you can do?
I've written
before about how the magazine likes to play it safe and boring month after month but I was keeping my fingers crossed that with all the electricity buzzing in the air lately, that Essence would shake things up a bit.
A Barack and Michelle (or even just Michelle) cover would have been the obvious choice but if Donna Brazile (one of Essence's "Most Inspiring" people,) Condi Rice or Obama senior campaign advisor Valerie Jarrett was on the cover, I'd snap it up in a heartbeat.
Looking at this cover, I feel like I already know how the interview with Will and Jada will read and I know for sure that any beauty, health or money advice article will be a carbon copy of what was in the magazine last month.
Maybe at the very least they could take a cue from People Magazine and start running multiple pics on the cover.
Last gripe: the cover banner with "win a $100 gift card"? $100? Damn, the recession really has hit the magazine industry hard.