I go back and forth between liking and not liking this dress and I think it's because of the pockets. Kerry looks a lot better than the model here in my opinion. The model just looks like she was sent here from another galaxy to enslave our planet one maxi dress at a time. What do you think? Also, how do you feel about non-casual dresses with pockets?
S: Lipstick Alley/Style.com
No problem with the pockets. Lends a bit of informality to a very feminine dress. Kerry looks lovely and much better than the clothes hangar in the other pic.
I am a fan of pockets on formal dresses. I think it has something to do with June Allyson as Jo in the 1940s version of "Little Women."
I'm so glad you posted this, because my first thought was I wish I could tell someone how much I love this dress on Kerry. It's a different look for her, but it's really interesting.
(What is up with that model's ears? She looks like an elf from Lord of the Rings.)
I think the pockets would have worked better on the dress was short, but she still looks better than the model in the dress. The model looks like her skin is blending in with the fabric.
LOL, I agree with you about the model. Hell, I think I look better in that dress than the model.
I'm far from fashionista especially with women's fashions, but pockets seem casual. Plus, on a dress like this one that's gathered with a belt, pockets seem to make the hips wider whether you have something in the pockets or not. What could you put in a pocket in that dress that wouldn't buldge?
I love pockets but usually, not on non-casual dresses. However, with this dress I'm glad to make an exception. What's more, I must agree with you. Kerry looks a thousand times better than the model, my thoughts exactly.
Kerry looks nice, but I prefer the way the dress hangs on the model.
As far as non-casual dresses with pockets, I guess so. **shrug** Depends on the style of the dress. I'm not really into fashion, so I can't offer anything more insightful.
That's funny, the model does look like she is from another planet. Kerry does glow in the dress. I like pockets in dresses. I wish we had more of that.
Kerry please put that hideous wig away...you no better than that. And those bangs? child!
I know I am very late, commenting this post from December but the comment on how the model looks like she was "sent from another galaxy to enslave our planet one maxi dress at a time" was HILARIOUS I had to say something! I just found your blog and I love it so much I've obviously went a far way back on your posts. I'm a new follower.
Thanks for reading!
I love your blog too, very refreshing.
About kerry the only thing bad I can say is Why she's still wearing this ugly wig? it does nothing for her , it likes she's lost under this wig.
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