I don't generally pay much attention to Beyonce's little sister but I have to admit I was a little surprised to see this photo of her sporting a TWA (teeny weenie afro) this morning. The girl may not have the chops, looks, or appeal of her older sibling but she's definitely proved that she's gutsy for stepping out of the shadow of Bey's lace-front and letting the sun shine down on those follicles.
Anytime I see a picture of a woman with super short natural hair like this I miss the days when I sported the style. I can still remember how good it felt the first time I took a shower with my new 'do and felt that warm water pouring over my scalp.
Now if only Solange could record some music to match the fierceness of her new look...
This is the second time she has cut her hair off. the other time I recall was when she was pregnant. there were pics of her and Beyonce at her baby shower and Solange had no hair then.
Is it? I guess I never saw the pics from the first go round. Thanks for clarifying.
Loving the chop and to be honest, I'd pick Solange's new record over Beyonce's any day. Has a more vibrant, playful, eclectic and emotional sound, at least in my opinion.
It looks so good!
Is it bad to say that I think natural hair looks good whenever I see it, and I wonder why there's such a big deal about it?
I couldn't go that short with my thin white-girl hair and my lumpy unattractive skull; very jealous.
She looks good. Solange has alwas seemed willing to go her own way & be different than her sis. I like that about her.
Her "attitude" is what keeps me from totally embracing her. I dig this look on her alot. All these shaved heads, etc remind of Grace Jones. She was the originator. :-)
I kinda like in general, she has a better than Bee, she has some original songs.
About her hair, I think she's really brave compared with some celebrities, to show a real different face of her and not ashamed of her hair.
the only bad thing, she should have made them cut by an hairdresser, it would have a better shape
All my friends insist that I shave my hair and it sure would be great to be free of that treatment and relax procedure evry month.. alas i do not have the guts.
I love this look on her and I loved her album more than any of Beyonces songs... no word of a lie!
You said it. I actually didn't hate Solange's album either.
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